FERMIT company was established in 1972 as the sole manufacturer and supplier to the all Romanian vehicles constructors of passenger cars ( Automobile Dacia SA), trucks ( Roman SA), off-road vehicles ( Aro SA), tractors ( Tractorul UTB SA),
buses ( Autobuzul SA) and also as supplier for chemical, petrochemistry and gas industries.
At that time the company had three line of manufacturing: friction materials,sealing gaskets and sealing materials named Marsit and was the only manufacturer of these products in Romania.
- 1980: the production of wire mesh and reinforced sealing materials were integrated
- 1984: is developed the manufacturing of assembled clutch facing and brake shoes
- 1991 - 1994 : company registered in important economical, technological and organizational modification
- 1995: The privatization process taken place
- 2001 : The company has been organized on Cost Centers
- 2001: is obtained SR EN ISO 9001certification
- 2004: was finished the replacement of all asbestos receipts with asbestos free friction materials for the whole production.
- 2006 : ISO-TS 16949:2002 quality management system implementation and certification
- 2007: implementation and certification of environment and occupational safety and health management systems according to SR EN 14001:2005 and OHSAS 18001:2004.
- 2007: The policies of quality, environment, health and safety were integrated in an Integrated Management System according to ISO TS 16949, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001.
- 2003 - up to present : There is an ongoing vast investments plan consisting of highly performing equipment ,installations and testing equipment with major effects on the quality of the products and on labor productivity too
- 2011: FERMIT became European Registered Trade Mark, registered in Register of Community Trade Marks with number 009941295.